Jaxon Craig Feuer

By February 2, 2020 No Comments

At 26 weeks gestation, Jaxon Craig Feuer was stillborn on September 17, 2013, caused by an uncontrollable cord accident.

Since then, his parents, Craig and Kade Feuer have been advocates for the awareness of infant and pregnancy loss. Jaxon has been the inspiration for a number of things in the Feuer household. Faith, family, and fitness took a whole new meaning when Craig and Kade joined the CrossFit community, CrossFit Fit for the Cross in 2014. They have started two companies in honor of their son, Guardian Plasma Works, LLC and Jaxon Fitness.

Approximately a million pregnancies annually in the United States end in early pregnancy loss, stillbirth or the death of a newborn child. While child loss may be a more common occurrence than people think, this awareness allows to review the needs of bereaved families and work to prevent the causes of these outcomes.

This Special Angel WOD is to honor the Feurer family and their son Jaxon. While the Feurer family was not directly affected by childhood cancer, they suffered the tragic loss of their son Jaxon at birth and are now advocates for the awareness of infant and pregnancy loss. Jaxon Fitness, named in honor of Jaxon, was one of our gracious supporters and vendors for our first event in 2017. We would like to also support their journey by honoring Jaxon in our 2018 event.